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Jolla details tablet troubles; refunds to (maybe) come


Jolla has announced that after another shipment of 540 tablets, no more will be shipped and the rest of the people who backed the tablet project on Indiegogo will receive refunds.

In October, Jolla shipped a batch of 121 tablets and 540 more will be shipped in February. Financial and supplier problems led to Jolla making the decision to pull the plug on the tablet project.

Jolla claims backers of the tablet on Indiegogo will receive refunds starting in the first quarter of 2016. However, whether they receive all or even some of their money back doesn’t seem certain. From Jolla’s blog:

“Jolla aims to refund the total contribution, including shipping and all accessories. Due to the financial constraints this will happen in two parts: half of the refund will be done during Q1/2016, and the other half within a year, our financial situation permitting.”

Also from Jolla’s blog:

The Tablet shipping and refund processes start immediately once all the practicalities are in place. Specific to refunding, we plan to establish and ramp up the refunding process and start refunding during the course of February.”

Note the qualifiers “aims to” and “our financial situation permitting” in the first quote and “we plan to” in the second. Those seem to indicate that refunds are not at all certain, even though Jolla later goes on to say that backers on Indiegogo, as well as those who purchased tablets via Jolla’s online store, will receive emails regarding how to obtain refunds.

Outside of the vague timeframe of “half of the refund will be done during Q1/2016, and the other half within a year,” Jolla gives no indication of when people can expect any refund.


Source: Jolla

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