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Promo Codes is like the lottery for apps

Promo Codes 4

Are you mad you didn’t win the Powerball lottery and become a billionaire? Well, it’s not quite as good, but a new app called Promo Codes offers you a chance to win promo codes for paid Play Store apps.

Very similar to the lottery only with a much greater chance of winning, even better, no loss of money to you. Basically, each day a new paid app is featured and you hit the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button for your chance to win it. If you do end up winning, a code will be added to your clipboard for you to redeem in the Play Store. If you didn’t win, no big deal, it just directs you to the app’s page.

The app is still very new and there are not that many developers participating yet, but more will be added soon. The current ones are Nova Launcher, Franco Kernel Updater, Today Calendar Pro, Focus, Impressions, Relay for reddit, Twee, Shuttle, and Progression. Pretty good ones to start off with at least.

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