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Moviefone updated with fresh new look and new features


Moviefone, the go-to app for movie times, theater listings, trailers, reviews, and more, has been updated with a fresh new design, as well as some new features.

In this new update, Moviefone boasts of truly being the “one stop shop for entertainment.” The update has certainly streamlined things, such as bringing functionality to filter movie results by time, the ability to find out which new movies and TV shows are on Netflix and DVD, and even browse the “freshest” entertainment news. This update also lets users discover movies and TV shows on many different streaming services, such as Netflix and Hulu. There’s been some improved search functionality as well.

While these features certainly help streamline things, Moviefone’s redesign is obviously the focus point of this update, making things much cleaner and quicker to access. Overall, everything is more flat and a tad bit more in line with Google’s Material Design.

One thing’s for certain: Moviefone wants to be the one stop shop for entertainment, allowing users to get show times, find theaters, and even buy tickets through the app. Moviefone makes things extremely convenient, and this update only improves upon that philosophy.

If you haven’t gotten the prompt to download the new update, be sure to hit the download link below!

Play Store Download Link

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