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Google makes it even easier to find candidate information with Search


Google announced today two new types of information you can find on presidential candidates with Search.

The two new types of information that can be found is how a candidates’ campaign is funded and how candidates are trending online compared to one another.

As Google pointed out in its blog post, finding financial information on your own can be a difficult task, but now they’ve made it much easier, allowing you to find all that information with a simple search. Google’s working with the Center for Responsive Politics to make this information not only easy to access but easy to understand.

Here’s the official word from Google:

“So when you search for donald trump or clinton campaign finance, you’ll see a snapshot of their campaigns’ finance breakdown and be able to dig into interesting insights, like the percentage of funds coming from SuperPACs versus individual donations, or which industries have donated the most to a given candidate.”


Lastly, Google is now letting users find out how candidates are trending online compared to one another. For instance, you can see how Donald Trump is trending and being search for by others compared to other candidates like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich.

Google not too long ago added other political information options to Search, allowing you to see how many delegates candidates have earned, how many are left, and etc.

Overall, it’s a neat improvement to Google Search, making political information much more widely available from an objective standpoint. Before, it’s been hard to access or difficult to find accurate information, but Google is making things much more easier for its users.

source: Google

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