Last week users started to notice that Google’s voice used to provide answers in the Google Search app had a new, smoother sound that had been added during the past month. With a more natural sound present, YouTube and Google aficionados Nat & Lo decided to go behind the scenes to find out more about what goes into producing the new voice.
Nat & Lo visited the Google facilities to meet with the team that has been working on the new Google Voice and learn more about how speech synthesis technologies produce the computerized voices we hear. They started out with some background in speech synthesis that was generally traced back to the 80’s. One of the big changes is that the speech synthesis of the 80’s were compiled completely using computer sounds whereas today the technology weaves together actual human voices that have been pre-recorded.
Nat & Lo also explored several factors that have to be considered by the Google employees working on the project. Some of the speech topics included phonemes, phones, and diphones. The team then covers synthesis topics and how computers can combine separate sounds to produce a new word or phrase.
One of the big changes noted in the recent updates involves the topics of prosody and intonation. The way speech sounds, the pace, the rise and fall is a major challenge that is being addressed with the newest updates.
You can check out the full video for more on how Google works to make voice search and commands sound more natural.
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