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Yet another batch of HTC 10 wallpapers leak


Disappointed with the HTC 10 wallpapers that have leaked so far? Don’t give up just yet! Three more wallpapers part of the latest batch of wallpapers from the upcoming HTC flagship are available for you to download.

Hit the break to see and download the wallpapers.

  • Select a wallpaper from below
  • Open the wallpaper in a new tab
  • Save to get full resolution
htc_10_first_wallpaper htc_10_second_wallpaper htc_10_third_wallpaper htc_10_fourth_wallpaper htc_10_fifth_wallpaper htc_10_sixth_wallpaper htc_10_seventh_wallpaper htc_10_eighth wallpaper

The source, LlabTooFeR, has all of the wallpapers stored in one place on Mega to download as a ZIP file.

We’ve seen the HTC 10 leak repeatedly in recent weeks, but the phone will finally be unveiled on April 12 in an online-only event. Shortly after, we’ll get our hands on it and tell you everything there is to know. But, until we reach April 12, you can enjoy the teasers HTC has been posting every few days.

Source: LlabTooFeR (Twitter)

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