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Player FM updated with support for video playback


Popular podcast playback application Player FM has today received a pretty nifty update in the Play Store. In terms of added functionality, the upgrade brings a new category system to the app, that enables user to filter podcasts by either country or language and introduces support for video podcasts.

Hit the break for the full changelog.


  • Video support – not just video podcast playback, but a fully curated video catalogue.
  • Related Series discovery feature.
  • Advanced audio enhancements.
  • Allows you to filter popular podcasts by country or language.
  • New languages – the app is ready for German, Italian, and Russian users to pick up and play.
  • A cleaner settings redesign.


To install the update on your Android-powered smartphone simply open up the Play Store, toggle the hamburger menu by swiping in from the left-hand side of the screen, select ‘My Apps’ and click on Player FM, then tap the update button. Alternatively, you can hit the link below to initiate the download on your handset from the Web.

Play Store Download Link

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