After nearly unanimous reviews praising the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge, it looks like Samsung has finally managed to capture that spark again that they’ve been trying to nail down since the Galaxy S III. Early estimates suggest that Samsung has sold 9 million units in the first month of availability for their 2016 flagship, which is almost three times what the Galaxy S6 managed to do last year.
There are a few factors here that analysts think helped Samsung out, the most important of which is how good the phone is. Samsung took last year’s feedback to heart and finally managed to push out something that was high-end and premium, but still had a waterproof design with a microSD card slot and didn’t sacrifice performance or battery life. Sure, we’re still missing the removable battery, but almost every other checkbox has been ticked on the Galaxy S7.
The device also released a little bit earlier and a little bit cheaper this year, which helped Samsung cut out before the competition to make it to market with their 2016 devices. LG only just launched the G5, HTC still hasn’t even announced anything, and most Chinese OEMs were beaten to the punch, too. The Galaxy S7 also costs about 8% less on average to buy, and cheaper devices have a much easier time selling in a market that’s focused on getting the best bang for your buck.
Samsung also didn’t blow its chance to meet demand of the Galaxy S7 Edge like it did with the S6 Edge. Last year was a test run, but more people wanted the curved screen than anyone anticipated. That hurt Samsung’s ability to quickly and efficiently get the Edge out to people that wanted it before the next great thing came along. This year, there were plenty of both models to go around, which always helps.
The Galaxy S7 success has helped Samsung’s share price start trending in an upward direction, and it might indicate that we’ll see the Note 6 a little earlier than usual this year. The huge productivity device always competes with Apple’s annual iPhone refresh, so getting it out to market a couple months ahead of time could potentially help the Note see the same success the Galaxy S7 is having.
source: Bloomberg
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